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Hybrid events: why they will be the new thing in the coming years

speaker organizacion eventos

Hybrid events are the new thing and will be with us for a long time, perhaps even forever. It might once have seemed difficult to implement this way of communicating, but the new reality has hit us all hard and we’ve been forced to make fast changes. Find out all about these events and their importance for both now and the future.

Hybrid events are the new thing: why?

The COVID-19 crisis has changed our reality and how we do things. It has forced us to act quickly and look for solutions to communicate with each other and organise events. Fortunately, we have some fairly advanced technology that means we’ve been able to develop a new way of putting on events that has already taken off.

Hybrid events are going to be with us for a long time to come, replacing face-to-face events. You have probably already seen some examples of this on television or have been involved in one yourself.

Essentially, the term hybrid, in this context, is about connecting a group of people (event attendees) to the place where a meeting is held. Due to the effects of the pandemic, and to avoid gathering large numbers of people in a closed room, the venue is used as a hub to communicate digitally with the attendees, who take part virtually and from a different location.

There is usually a very small number of people in the event room itself. Perhaps those leading the event, along with some technicians, who make sure communications run smoothly.

The new normal has forced congregations, business meetings and even family get-togethers to happen like this. Fortunately, we have got used to this quite quickly. In fact, we have found many advantages that we weren’t aware of before. It’s important to remember that for an event to be successful, there are a few key requirements.

How to organise a successful hybrid event

The success of a hybrid event is not only measured by the ability to stream it live, but also by the ability to give virtual participants,who are not there in the room, the chance to speak.

For obvious reasons, it is vitally important to have a good internet connection that will easily reach all those not present. But a successful event requires a skilled team to manage who speaks, including those who attend virtually.

The aim is to make sure the distance is not felt, so that those not in the room don’t feel like they’re at a disadvantage. The goal of any hybrid event should be ensuring dynamic interaction and delivering the same content and quality for those attending virtually.

We know that online networking is not easy, because there is a risk of virtual participants getting bored. This is why it is important to create an active dynamic, which captures everyone’s attention at all times.

Advantages of hybrid events

A hybrid event can have many advantages for a company or organisation. Without a doubt, the cost savings are obvious, as you don’t have to think about the needs of attendees or catering, for example.

Likewise, discussions can be easier to control virtually, although there can be some interruptions, just like in face-to-face discussions.

If you always wanted to gather a large audience, a hybrid event gives you the opportunity to do so, either as an active participant or as a listener. By streaming, you can reach your company’s potential customers. You can also use it to advertise your brand and show how serious you are about putting yourself out there.

Of course, one of the most important things you can achieve with these events is maintaining the social distancing requirements that have been so important during the pandemic. Adapting to safety measures means inventing new forms of social interaction that keep us safe in every area of life.

Hybrid events are already part of our new reality, which we have had to get used to due to the COVID-19 pandemic. They are now very popular, and that is being embraced by big companies and enterprises. Don’t be afraid to hold your hybrid events in one of our hotels, which have the best technology and facilities for attendees. Contact us for a unique experience.

Digital Marketing. This project has been developed by Grupo Enfoca: Online Marketing Alicante